!!!**IMPORTANT Announcement**!!! Please read carefully:
Niky’s Sports will be the new official vendor for Idaho Storm Soccer. We are excited to partner with them to provide high quality uniforms and apparel for our teams. Their experience and operations will be a great asset to our organization and they have moved mountains to assist us in sourcing retiring Puma apparel to finish out this soccer year.
To prepare for the Spring season, we have opened a limited player apparel store. If you are a:
– NEW player to the club,
– SPRING ONLY player, or
– returning player needing to order REPLACEMENT PUMA uniform items
please ORDER NOW. Players who already have full uniform kits from the Fall 2022 season or the Fall 2021-Spring 2022 season do not need to order anything at this time.
**DEADLINE for ALL PUMA player item orders is JANUARY 6, 2023**
This will be the ONLY opportunity to order uniform items for Spring season play. After January 6th NO player apparel will be available as our Puma contract is ending and we will enter a new uniform cycle in June.
If you are in need of items for Spring season, please order IMMEDIATELY using this link: https://www.nikys-sports.com/search?q=Idaho+storm
If you have further questions, please contact Josh Koenig at procurement@idahostormsoccer.com